Tangkak 13th Thanksgiving Anniversary

11 Aug

In His time, In His time, He makes all things beautiful in His time. Since my last trip to Tangkak sometime this year, I was curious to find out whether the initial issues that surfaced then were resolved. So on a few occasions after Pastor returned from his ministry in Tangkak, I asked him how things were getting on there.

Initially when Pastor asked me whether I would be interested to attend Tangkak’s Anniversary, I was very keen to join him and Mrs Chua. However as the date approached, I realised that David’s Term 2 Continual Assessments were scheduled the week following the anniversary. In addition, I was teaching the P1/P2 class as Phoebe and Joyce were away. In Kids’ Hour, Amelia was scheduled on 28 July to practise the songs that they planned to present for the Church Anniversary. Since they started their practice, I have been around to learn the songs and to encourage the kiddies and parents. With so many things to take into consideration, I felt it was best for me to be around in church instead of going to Tangkak. These were my plans, but God had greater plans for me.

After the Worship Service on 21 July, John decided he wanted to go to Tangkak so when Dn. Leo approached him to teach his students in S3/S4, John indicated his interest in going to Tangkak and told Dn. Leo to find another solution to his problem. I suggested that Dn. Leo ask his students to join Rev. Ho’s Adult Bible Class just for that Sunday.

As I sensed that John was keen to go to Tangkak, I tried to make arrangements for the P1/P2 class to combine classes with the P3/P4 class. Praise and thank God that as I claimed Rom 8:28, He was at work and eventually it was confirmed that Jenjira would teach the combined classes with Amelia assisting.

Just when we thought everything had been taken care of, God brought another challenge. Amelia had informed Mrs Chua that she had sore throat and couldn’t practise the songs with the kiddies on Sunday, so she asked if anyone else could take over. Thank God that Joy was one of the few parents who knew the songs and actions and she was available to teach the kiddies.


Finally on Sunday morning, John and I made our way to Tangkak having settled all the issues before leaving. As we entered JB, God allowed me to witness His beauty and creation as I saw the sunrise among the clouds and the sun’s rays shining in the distance. It was indeed a beauty to behold. Even though everything had been settled, I was still anxious about David. However as we approached Tangkak, God spoke to me and taught me not just to claim Phil 4:6,7 and 1 Peter 5:7, but to put my complete trust and faith in Him. Only then did I have peace of mind to focus on going to Tangkak to celebrate their thanksgiving anniversary and to encourage the brethren there.

This time round, God enabled me to learn about the history of Tangkak BPF and its origin after Pr. Yap shared about it. I also noticed that Pr. Yap was more fervent for the Lord and was not distracted by family or other matters. It was evident as he shared his convictions at the pulpit.

I also learnt about the need and desire to start the SS ministry in Tangkak BPF. We thank God too for the warm hospitality of our Tangkak brethren in providing potluck lunch and warm fellowship. We had the opportunity to try wild boar curry, very sweet home grown mangoes and durians, dry mee siam and other delicacies.

Praise God that this time round, 4 out of 5 Session members were able to attend Tangkak’s 13th Thanksgiving Anniversary. We pray and hope that Tangkak BPF will continue to grow from strength to strength in the Lord; that our brethren will learn to abide in Christ and henceforth to use their talents to serve the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.
May Tie
31 July 2013

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Posted by on August 11, 2013 in 2013


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